Title: The Misconception Surrounding RedNote's CEO: A Canadian Mystery Unraveled
In the U.S., approximately 700,000 TikTok users have reportedly switched to a Chinese-owned app called Xiaohongshu, or RedNote in English [1]. This shift comes as the U.S. government considers banning TikTok starting on January 19 [3]. However, a video that went viral this week, featuring a man introducing RedNote, has led to some confusion. The video, posted earlier this week, features a man welcoming users to the platform and offering tips on utilizing it [2]. Some viewers mistakenly believed this man to be the CEO of RedNote, but he never claimed that title in the video [2].
This man, named Jerry, shares a RedNote account with his partner Dani [3]. Jerry lives in Vancouver, Canada and does not appear to have a clear understanding as to why people believed he was the CEO of RedNote [3]. In response to the mistaken identity, Jerry created a new TikTok account under the name FakeCEORealGF to clarify his situation [3].
RedNote was actually co-founded in Shanghai in 2013 by Miranda Qu and Charlwin Mao, who currently serve as the platform's president and CEO, respectively [2]. A local New York TV news station, Fox5, even reported that the CEO of RedNote had sent out a welcome video, but it was clear from the description that the news outlet had been misled [2].
The ban on TikTok has sparked a backlash, with many Americans viewing it as an infringement on their freedom to use the app they enjoy [3]. Many are also wary of switching to apps owned by individuals like Mark Zuckerberg, who they see as an ally of former President Trump [3]. However, U.S. politicians are expressing concerns over the surge in RedNote sign-ups, with Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia voicing his concerns over the use of adversary-owned apps [3].
The mistaking of Jerry for the CEO of RedNote highlights the confusion and misinformation that can arise during times of political controversy. It also serves as a reminder of the power of social media and the importance of accurately representing oneself in the digital world.
Jerry expresses his bafflement at being mistakenly perceived as the CEO of RedNote, given his residence in Vancouver and lack of involvement in the platform's management [3]. In the future, advanced technology and digital literacy will be crucial in mitigating such misconceptions caused by the rapid spread of information in the tech-driven era.