In a recent announcement, Telegram's CEO, Pavel Durov, proposes providing free In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments to women who opt to use his sperm.
A Russian IVF clinic, AltraVita, situated in Moscow, has announced an extraordinary offer for women. They can undergo IVF treatment for free, using sperm donated by Pavel Durov, the renowned entrepreneur and CEO of Telegram. However, there's a condition – the females must agree to be inseminated with Durov's sperm.
The AltraVita clinic announced on their website, "You have an opportunity to undergo IVF treatment without any charges, utilizing donor sperm from Pavel Durov, a prominent entrepreneur of our era." Women who are below 37 years old are encouraged to contact the clinic, as stated on their site, mentioning the limited number of slots for this unique offer.
Durov's fascination with his semen is not a secret. He has publicly acknowledged fathering over 100 children in 12 different countries through various sperm donation events. Durov has even declared his intent to 'open source' his DNA, allowing his numerous offspring to locate him.
The AltraVita clinic's website, boasting of being the only cryobank with exclusive rights to store and utilize Durov's biomaterial, features an hilarious image of a woman appearing delighted at the prospect of injecting Durov's sperm into her ovaries:
© Altravita IVF/screenshot
From a financial perspective, this offer might be quite attractive. IVF can be costly, and despite the hefty expenses, success isn't guaranteed (studies have shown the success rate can be low). The clinic pledges that Durov will cover all the IVF procedures utilizing his sperm. The downside, however, is that after financial coverage, you would be growing a miniature version of Pavel Durov in your womb, giving birth to it, and then, taking care of it for life.
One could understand why this might not be desirable for some women. While Durov is a successful businessman, his creation, Telegram, has faced accusations of being a platform for criminals, nazis, sexual predators, and terrorists. In August, Durov was apprehended in Paris after allegations arose that he allowed criminal activities to thrive on his platform. Though later released on a bail of $5.5 million, an investigation into his activities is still ongoing.
Gizmodo reached out to AltraVita for a comment.
This offer seems to be part of a larger trend - the obsession with longevity among Silicon Valley billionaires. Whether it's investing in emerging technologies to extend their personal lives or disseminating their sperm to numerous women, or in Elon Musk's case, having children with any capable woman in the vicinity, these tech industry titans believe their genetic material should live forever and are prepared to take any measures to make it a reality.
The AltraVita clinic's offer of free IVF treatment using Pavel Durov's sperm is a testament to the future of reproductive technology, allowing women to potentially give birth to individuals with the genetic makeup of renowned tech entrepreneurs. Despite the financial benefits, concerns about the ethical and societal implications of such procedures are rising, especially considering Durov's association with controversial platforms.
In the context of Silicon Valley, Durov's unique offer is just one example of the tech industry's growing obsession with preserving their genetic legacy, employing advanced technology and strategies to ensure their genetic material continues to exist and influence future generations.