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Exploring the Potential Sexual Health Hazards Linked to the Emerging 'Snowmanning' Dating Trend

During the Winter Holiday season, be mindful of potential deception if you encounter a new romantic interest partaking in the "snowmanning" dating phenomenon.

Constructing snow sculptures or figures, often referred to as snowmen in some regions.
Constructing snow sculptures or figures, often referred to as snowmen in some regions.

Exploring the Potential Sexual Health Hazards Linked to the Emerging 'Snowmanning' Dating Trend

If you decide to explore new romantic encounters during the Winter Holidays, make sure to take sufficient safeguards. Be wary of engaging with someone involved in the "snowmanning" trend, where someone shows intense interest during the winter season only to suddenly lose interest afterwards, leaving you feeling disheartened or, worse still, exposed to an unwanted sexually transmitted infection.

The Concept of 'Snowmanning'

Snowmanning is not related to having sexual relations with a snowman or adorning a barn in the bedroom with a corncob pipe and a broomstick. Rather, it refers to the phenomenon where someone gets incredibly intimate with you during the winter season, only for their interest to vanish like snow on a sunny day. The individual may transition from being virtually unknown to sharing an open fire by your side within 24 hours, only to face a frosty reception in return. Extreme instances of this trend could result in the other person disappearing altogether, akin to ghosting or even 'cloaking' you.

Increase in Casual Encounters During Holidays

The term 'snowmanning' gained recognition in 2019 due to the efforts of eHarmony, who hypothesized that individuals may be more inclined to seek out casual liaisons during the Winter Holidays. This notion was supported by data gathered from the 'Hometown Holiday Hook-Up Survey' conducted by Everlywell, which gathered insights from 850 singles. Notably, 59% of the respondents revealed their intention to pursue casual encounters while home for the holidays, and an additional 43% confessed to having more casual experiences during the holidays compared to the rest of the year.

There are several reasons contributing to the rise in casual holiday encounters:

Intense close-up of two lovers passionately engaging in a heartfelt kiss within the confines of their bed.
  • The cold weather: With the Winter Wonderland repeatedly mentioning "Later on we'll conspire as we dream by the fire," it's easy to see how an afternoon spent cuddling by the fire may lead to other activities.
  • The Holiday Season can be stressful: I've previously delved into the several ways the Holiday Season can cause stress, such as family disagreements, occupational pressures, and shopping demands, which could lead individuals to seeking comfort in a different person.
  • The Holiday Season can be a lonely time: Classic holiday songs lament the feeling of loneliness during the Holidays, ranging from "Christmas is the Saddest Day of the Year" to "Blue Christmas." Being single during the holidays, when others are celebrating, can be a challenging experience. Even if you have a significant other during the holiday season, you may still feel lonely due to the prevalence of the 'Scrooging' trend.
  • Being in a different location: Traveling for the holidays can place you in a foreign, unfamiliar surroundings, potentially making you feel isolated. On the other hand, it could also put you in close proximity to new individuals with whom you may feel less accountable.
  • Alcohol: Holiday parties often serve plenty of alcohol. It is worth noting that alcohol can alter your judgment, impair your inhibitions, and lead to questionable decisions. Who would have thought?
  • Holiday celebrations: Even without alcohol, Holiday Parties can bring people together in unexpected ways, creating new opportunities for intimacy. For instance, an enjoyable game of Twister could introduce intriguing twists.

Emotional and Physical Risks of Snowmanning

If both parties are well-aware of the agreement and share identical expectations, casual encounters can be enjoyable. However, problems arise when expectations don't align. For instance, if you believe you've found a potential long-term partner, but they view you as nothing more than a pitstop, emotional consequences could ensue, manifesting as disappointment, anxiety, or even depression.

Additionally, casual sexual encounters increase the potency of sexually transmitted infections, including syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, viral hepatitis, herpes, HIV, and human papillomavirus. Moreover, your well-being could be at risk if the other person displays violent tendencies.

Precautions to Consider

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Even if someone enthusiastically proposes, "Let's take off and have some fun now, before I'm gone," it would be wise to take the following precautions before indulging in casual encounters or snowmanning:

  1. Comprehensive Discussion: Engage in an open and candid conversation about objectives, expectations, and boundaries to avoid misunderstandings.
  2. Safe Sex Practices: Always practice safe sex utilizing protection to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections.
  3. Consent: Always obtain informed and enthusiastic consent before engaging in sexual activities.
  4. Stay Alert: Keep an eye out for any signs of violent or unstable behavior.
  5. Be Mindful of Emotions: Being aware of your emotions and vulnerabilities can help you make informed decisions.
  6. Limit Your Number of Partners: Reducing the number of partners can help decrease the risk of sexually transmitted infections.
  7. Regular Check-ups: Regularly undergo sexually transmitted infection testing to protect yourself and any potential partners.
  8. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off, listen to your gut and take appropriate action to protect yourself.
  • ** Investigate the individual and their past thoroughly:** Knowing the person's actual name could come in handy, such as when you feel the need to shout something during the night. However, it's more beneficial to know their background and sexual risk history as well.
  • ** Communicate openly about desires:** Be sure to have open conversations about what you want and what you truly desire. This should not involve discussing hotdogs.
  • ** Consider the consequences before taking action:** Remember, your parts down below may not always think logically. When considering casual sex, consider what you are getting yourself into and be aware of the potential risks. Contemplate if the temporary pleasure is worth the potential threat.
  • ** Employ barrier protection like condoms:** Birth control pills and other forms of contraception that don't provide a protective barrier between you two will not shield you against STIs.
  • ** Share STI test results:** Do not trust appearances. There's no such thing as "they appear to not have an STI." The only way to know for sure is to get tested for different STIs before any sexual contact.
  • ** Inform friends about your location:** Even if you're uncomfortable sharing that you're getting intimate with a stranger you met at Costco, it could be more uncomfortable if something goes wrong and no one knows where you are.

In conclusion, keep the broader perspective and long-term goals in mind. Don't engage in risky behavior just because you're feeling lonely, bored, anxious or stressed during the holiday season. Instead, focus on the bigger picture and keep your reasoning clear. Don't let your judgment be clouded by excessive alcohol, strong spirits, bourbon-infused fruitcake, or other substances without appropriate safety measures, such as having your friends around to watch over you. This way, you may be better able to identify if the person you're approaching is good for snow or not.

  1. Despite the rise of the "snowmanning" trend during the winter holidays, it's important to be cautious when exploring new romantic encounters to avoid becoming vulnerable to unwanted sexually transmitted infections.
  2. The term "snowmanning" gained popularity in 2019, referencing the phenomenon of someone showing intense interest during winter holidays and then suddenly losing interest, leaving the other person feeling disheartened or exposed to a sexually transmitted disease.
  3. If you're considering engaging in casual encounters during the holiday season, be sure to have a comprehensive discussion about objectives, expectations, and boundaries to avoid misunderstandings and emotional consequences.
  4. The holiday season is often a time when people seek comfort in someone new due to stress, loneliness, or being in a different location, which can potentially lead to an increase in sexually transmitted infections, including HPV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.
  5. To protect yourself during the holiday season, it's essential to practice safe sex, obtain informed and enthusiastic consent, stay alert for signs of violent or unstable behavior, limit your number of partners, regularly undergo sexually transmitted infection testing, and trust your instincts.

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