Business Obstacles in B2B: It Could Be Your E-Commerce Technology Infrastructure
Dude, Ben Crudo is the boss hog at Diff Agency, a place where retail transformed into tech meets e-commerce, specifically catering to retailers looking to dominate both today and tomorrow.
You reckon it's been ages since you've bought something from the Sears catalog? Well, guess what, many B2B retailers are still stuck in that ancient era. These folks still toss out hard copies of catalogs or email crappy PDFs and spreadsheets instead of showcasing their merchandise online. That's a major setback, considering half of all B2B transactions happen online, and over two-thirds of buyers kick off their shopping spree online. Add to that the fact that three-quarters of B2B customers want a rep-less shopping experience, pushing sellers to digitalize, like, yesterday.
Now, creating a solid e-commerce site doesn't need to cost an arm and a leg or require an engineering degree. So, what gives, folks?
Traditionally, B2B businesses have a fixation on forging a personal touch with their customers. It's all good, but they're missing out on strengthening those relationships by embracing the same affordable e-commerce tech B2C brands use daily.
Two-thirds of B2B customers expect a grab-and-go shopping experience. With virtual shoppers planning to up their B2B digital shopping game, the clock is ticking.
Let's get real: B2B sellers with lousy e-commerce sites are digging their own graves. Here's why and how they can level up.
Upping Your B2B Sales Game
When B2B retailers don't tailor their websites to e-commerce, they create hassles for their company, employees, and customers.
First, as sales multiply, so does the administrative drudge-work. Fail to implement systems that adapt to growth, and you're looking at a smorgasbord of bottlenecks.
For instance, when product info gets stored in spreadsheets or kept in a few brains, sharing it with numerous customers turns into a Time-Lord-requiring affair. Similarly, processing orders by email can put a cramp in the style of your team members, bogging 'em down with mind-numbing chores.
On the other hand, a B2B site that delivers a B2C vibe can transform purchases from a sweaty mess into a smooth ride. Take, for instance, a site displaying jaw-dropping images and compelling product descriptions just like a consumer retail giant. Automation simplifies orders, and both customers and staff enjoy a sunshine-filled process, sans blunders.
Picking the Right E-Commerce Tech for B2B
So, how can businesses choose the right e-commerce tech for B2B, and which features deserve our attention?
1) Be Wary of ERPs: Many sellers use enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to handle internal processes. Oh, sure, ERPs are great at organizing logistics, but they suck at delivering consumer-facing experiences. Trying to extend an ERP to manage e-commerce results in a tacky, outdated interface that brings down your customers' morale. It's better to find an e-commerce platform that can play nice with your existing tech.
2) Choose an E-Commerce Platform Fitting Your Biz Size: The tech-savvy you are, the fewer e-commerce options you have at your fingertips. For starters, you can opt for anything from Wix to WordPress with WooCommerce. As for bigger companies with more complex systems, it makes sense to select one of the more comprehensive platforms like Shopify. To maximize back-end management and a user-friendly storefront, consult an e-commerce expert versed in B2B.
3) Emphasize Consumer-Friendly Features: To save your customers from straying, B2B sellers need to prioritize e-commerce perks like automated ordering, solid product content, and effortless site navigation. Neglecting such essentials can make it super easy for competitors to steal your pie. Why not ask B2B buyers themselves: Roughly 9 out of 10 would jump ship to a rival with a better shopping experience.
4) Treat Your Site Like a Showroom: Acknowledge that your site isn't just a robot-faced digital salesperson; it's also a product showcase. Creating high-quality pics and descriptions to showcase your products can be labor-intensive, but it pays off. The better you represent your merchandise, the smoother the customer journey.
In short, if a B2B seller doesn't swerve toward digital retail, it risks losing business to competitors who did. A slick shopping experience isn't fancy, it's table stakes. So stop resisting change and bite the bullet; invest strategically in e-commerce. The longer a B2B retailer hinges on spreadsheets and mail-out catalogs to make sales, the quicker its demise could be.
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Despite Benjamin Crudo's leadership at Diff Agency, many B2B retailers continue to cling to outdated catalog methods. These businesses could greatly benefit from embracing the digital transformation that Benjamin and his team at Diff Agency are spearheading.
In the digital age, Benjamin Crudo is instrumental in guiding retailers towards modern e-commerce solutions, aiding them in staying competitive in today's market.